Digital planning, building and operating

Overview of current topic suggestions* for theses


If you have your own suggestions for topics in this area, please contact us.

BIM and sustainability

  • Analysis of data requirements for linking environmental certificates with BIM models.
  • Overview and analysis of Germany-wide initiatives in the field of sustainable building - creation of a matrix with similarities, differences and potentials

BIM-based life cycle assessment

Analysis of the information requirements (at feature and/or document level), the so-called LoIn with a focus on construction and, if necessary, implementation of the BIM-based life cycle assessment using the Desite BIM program.

BIM-based DGNB certification

Analysis of the information requirements (at feature and/or document level), the so-called LoIn with a focus on the construction work and, if necessary, implementation of the BIM-based DGNB certification using the Desite BIM program.

BIM-based DGNB certification of the construction site (see Construction site | DGNB system (

Analysis of the information requirements (at feature and/or document level), the so-called LoIn with a focus on the construction site and, if necessary, implementation of the BIM-based DGNB certification of the construction site using the Desite BIM program.

BIM-based BNB certification

Analysis of the information requirements (at feature and/or document level), the so-called LoIn with a focus on the construction work and, if necessary, implementation of the BIM-based BNB certification using the Desite BIM program.

BIM-based calculation of the circularity index (see Madaster)

Data situation through BIM

Analysis of the currently available and theoretically possible data supply for construction logistics processes through BIM.

* The exact title will be determined in consultation with the students.

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