Overview of current topic suggestions* for theses
If you have your own suggestions for topics in this area, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Digital access management for construction sites
The extent of the informal economy varies from country to country and varies in selected OECD countries in terms of gross domestic product (GDP). Against this background, the aim is to use a concrete example to demonstrate the possibilities of a building owner in cooperation with authorities and other partners as well as the use of digital systems to demonstrably and effectively avoid the aforementioned abuses
BIM and sustainability
Bachelor's degree
- Overview and analysis of Germany-wide initiatives in the field of sustainable planning and building - development of a matrix with similarities, differences and potentials in the field of digitalisation
- Overview and analysis of national and international (EU) legal requirements and framework conditions in the field of sustainable building
- Analysis and evaluation of the data bases/sources (EPD, ÖKOBAUDAT, etc.) for the various verifications in certification systems in building construction (how are these structured and what is the quality, suitability and timeliness?)
- Analysing the information requirements from certification systems (at feature and/or document level) with reference to construction products
- Analysis of the information requirements of a specific criterion (at feature and/or document level) and implementation, e.g. using the Desite BIM programme
- Modelling requirements for BIM-based calculation of the circularity index (see Madaster)
Data situation through BIM
Analysis of the currently available and theoretically possible data supply for construction logistics processes through BIM
* The exact title will be determined in consultation with the students.