DPBB - Digital Design, Construction and Operation

BIM use cases for the building trade

Funded by: Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) as part of the Zukunft Bau research initiative

Project duration: 01/2022 to 12/2023

Possible BIM objectives and BIM applications are analysed and prioritised jointly between public clients and the building trade with regard to added value for both sides and technical feasibility. Selected BIM applications with particular relevance are then developed down to the level of information exchange requirements, based on the open BIM approach. The result is templates for BIM applications that can be implemented in practice, which can be submitted to the VDI for standardisation, but can also be made available to clients as a template for the AIA. At the same time, based on the selected BIM applications, corresponding training and further training concepts will be developed to enable the building trade to implement the BIM applications across the board. The training concept will be made available to the chambers of crafts, training centres and vocational training centres for use and implementation.

Innovation path "Digitalization and BIM in the skilled trades"

Research partners

Network partners

Practice partner