DPBB - Digital Design, Construction and Operation

MBING-M1.1-e Building Information Modeling (BIM)- Digital Planning, Construction and Operation - Interdisciplinary Project Work

(MBING-M 1.1-e) (IV-d Integrated Computational Design) in the Master's program // FK5

Summer semester

Lecture times: Mondays 8:15 am - 9:45 am

Lecture room: BIM-LAB HC 01.20

Since the winter semester 2016, the chair has been offering a module for Building Information Modeling (BIM) for architects and civil engineers in university teaching together with other chairs from civil engineering and architecture as well as lecturers from the field. Students gain in-depth knowledge of the BIM method over the entire life cycle of a building in structural engineering. In addition to traditional knowledge transfer, modern teaching methods are applied and the module concludes with extensive practical project work by the students.

What knowledge do you acquire in the BIM module?

In this course, you will learn both the theoretical basics of the BIM method and its practical application using digital tools. This will enable you to understand and analyze the complex relationships between different processes and use cases in the context of BIM.

On this basis, we carry out a digital BIM simulation game in which the entire life cycle of a construction project is "played through" in one day using BIM-based processes, various roles involved and the corresponding tools.

Click instructions for the prescribed processes are provided to enable an uncomplicated introduction to the various digital tools.