DPBB - Digital Design, Construction and Operation


Bachelor's degree

AI in the construction industry
WS 24/25
Supervised by: Dominik Stellmacher (Prof. Meins-Becker)

Construction process management
SS 25
Supervised by: Lukas Loeb (Prof. Meins-Becker)

Digitalisation and BIM Basics VWING BAUING
WS 24/25
Supervised by: Agnes Kelm (Prof. Meins-Becker)


Master's degree

International, interdisciplinary BIM project work (Digital Decathlon)
WS 24/25
Supervised by: Agnes Kelm (Prof. Meins-Becker)

Building Information Modelling (BIM)- Digital planning, construction and operation
SS 25
Supervised by: Agnes Kelm (Prof. Meins-Becker)

Digitalisation and sustainability
SS 25
Supervised by: Ann-Kathrin Ibach (Prof. Meins-Becker)