Digital construction - a new showcase in the Digital Skilled Crafts Competence Center
Development of an ideal-typical target process chain for the application of the BIM method in the life cycle of buildings
Funding provider: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Project duration: 01/2019 to 12/2020
The Competence Center Digital Crafts (KDH) supports small and medium-sized craft businesses in tapping the technical and economic potential arising from the digital transformation for the craft sector. In order to reduce information deficits, the KDH provides decision-makers and experts in the skilled crafts sector with practical information, qualification and support services, which are developed and illustrated in five so-called showcases. The Digital Skilled Crafts Competence Center is part of the funding initiative "Mittelstand 4.0 - Digital Production and Work Processes", which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) as part of the funding priority "Mittelstand-Digital - Strategies for the Digital Transformation of Business Processes".
Further information can be found here.
The Digital Construction Showcase supports the construction industry, from managers to equipment operators, in the development and use of digital programs, structures and applications in the company. Trade businesses receive practical answers here with the aim of maintaining their competitiveness on the market:
What opportunities does digitalization offer the construction industry?
What legal issues need to be taken into account?
How can costs be saved in planning and construction through new digital technologies?
How can digitalization also be implemented in small construction companies?
Practice partner