- DigiBauDok experimental lab
- BIM action recommendation
- II. BIM action recommendation
- BIM applications for the building trade
- 3D laser scanning in existing buildings
- BIM2digitalTWIN
- BIM-based occupational health and safety
- BIM-based construction in the process
- BIM-based operation
- BIM efficiency
- BIM game
- BIM-supported work planning in SMEs
- BIM information delivery controlling
- BIM guide for SMEs
- BIM modeling guideline
- BIM-based risk management
- BIM for the optimization of material cycles
- DigIT Campus
- Digital construction with BIM in Germany: focus on construction work
- Digital craftsmanship
- Living Lab building performance
- Structure of BIM use cases
- SDE 21/22 - SDE meets BIM
- BIM-based construction with RFID technology