Digital Decathlon in Florenz

The BIM Institute in Florence! The Erasmus+ student project "Digital Decathlon" concludes the first BIM competition in Florence with participants from all over Europe.
From 13 to 16 February, 25 students from five different universities met at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence to work in competing teams on 10 BIM use cases, the so-called Digital Decathlon. The task was to transform an industrial hall into a vibrant, sustainable cultural centre. Digital design, but also aspects of digital building documentation, were at the heart of the challenge. The project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme. The project partners are Jade University of Applied Sciences Oldenburg, Karelia Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy from Finland, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, BIM Institute of the University of Wuppertal and Politechnika Warszawska.